Thursday 7 April 2011

Sunflower Race

We are having a sunflower race.  The children planted a sunflower seed each about two weeks ago as part of an activity I prepared for toddler group.  This is a really easy activity.  You need; plastic cups or plant pots, sunflower seeds, compost, water.  Fill the cups/pots with compost and push a seed into each cup/pot.  Water and place on your windowsill.  Your seed should sprout in around a week.
Today we had our first official measure.  Girl's is on the left (lagging behind!) and Boy's is on the right.
Boy took on the very important task of measuring the height of each plant.  Here are the results.
We will measure every week or so.  In a few more weeks these plants will be put into larger pots and go outside.  As the plants get taller you will find that they need a support.  Sticks and canes can be bought from Garden Centres for this purpose.
We watered the plants too - they definitely needed it!  This is a really great activity for introducing the simple ideas about life, growth and caring for living things.

1 comment:

  1. Oh perfect! We still haven't planted ours- eek! Loving the links you made to learning too. Thanks for linking up another lovely idea!
